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Phone & Fax

(317) 844-7489

(317) 581-1007

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Monday - Friday 9-5


A person looking into a mirror in black and white


Many adults have fast-paced, overfilled schedules that consume their time. They overlook their need for affection, individual time, and relaxation. Too often this hurried lifestyle prevents us from taking care …

A brain and the word adhd drawn on a blackboard

ADHD, It's Not Just For Kids Anymore

When people think about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), most envision a hyper little boy, running around in the classroom, unable to sit still. Or they think of a little …

Two people holding eachother in bed

Getting a Good Night's Sleep

Everyone has an occasional sleepless night. But for 20 million Americans, the frustration of chronic insomnia is a big problem. The gimmicks that work for the person with mild sleep …

A laptop with sticky notes all over it, and one in the middle that says Help


Depression and other emotional problems can usually be greatly relieved by changing mental habits. The following steps need to be repeated hundreds of times (or more) over weeks or months …

A picture of a child picking flowers off of a tree

Do Less For Your Kids

Parents clearly want what is best for their children. But often, in our modern, high-tech, materialistic world, we become sidetracked with giving our children what is stimulating, what is pleasurable, …

A couple fighting on a bench in a park

What's Happening to Us?

Infidelity-~being sexually unfaithful to your partner. What labels or images does that word bring to your mind? Disloyal? Unfaithful? Joy? Deceit? Lying? Guilt? Excitement? Cheap love? Anxiety? Lost dreams? Closeness? …

A referee coaching a girls soccer team

Anger In Sports

Anger and overt acts of violence are becoming an increasing concern in sports today, not just at the college and professional level but also among younger students. Even amateur adult …

A person looking frustrated at their computer in front of windows

Controlling Anger

It is not anger as a feeling that causes problems so much as it is our response to feeling angry. Our behavior tells the tale. As a result of our …

A person yelling into a phone

I'm So Angry I Could

Anger, anger, anger… everywhere anger… anger in the streets, violence in our schools, violence towards those of another religion, even anger in our homes. Anger in its extreme becomes hatred …

A couple holding eachother in front of a body of water

Nurturing Fidelity

Counselors frequently work with couples seeking a cure for the pain and destruction that infidelity generally breeds. But counselors would rather help couples before the crisis of infidelity occurs. With …

Two people holding eachother in bed

Discovering the Rewards of Marital Sex

Paul Pearsall, Director of Education at the Kinsey Institute for Research, has written an intriguing book, Super Marital Sex, which reveals new ways for married couples to achieve a more …

An image of a mother holding their child

Can Supermom be Healthy?

Mothers frequently juggle the roles of worker, wife and parent. Balancing the demands of these varied roles has never been easy. But as the nature of each of these jobs …